What's this all about ?
Learning new things can be difficult, I'd like to share what I've learnt in the way I've learnt it.
Re-learning things can also be cumbersome, so as much as it can help others, I'm also helping myself.
Motivation for first post, I was 're-learning' React while chatting with some friends on a discord server one day, some of them I've tutored (formally and informally). They asked if I could help them with it after I'm done. I've always wanted to blog about my work prior but now I had my first concrete article in mind.

If I had to choose one attribute/quality to give to the asipiring student, it would be perseverence. "hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard"
I like software development and computer science in general because you're never stagnant, every problem is unique which means, however little there is almost always something to learn. Designing efficient code or an efficient architecture has always been an exciting thing for me, I can't exactly say why, if I had to, I would attribute it to an algorithms course I took with my peers where for each problem we would always try to get our solutions to run in the fastest time.
To the end of my undergraduate degree, I discovered by chance something called machine learning. I ended up basing my final semester project on it. Since then it has been an off again on again relationship, I've taken particular interest in the subfield of NLP. It feels very tangible compared to most other subfields and the data is endless.